I.Research Activities
In FY2008, the various published reports on Energy scenario, Strategy of technology, Technology roadmap and so on are analyzed. The titles of the reports and the items are shown below.
Comprehensive Image
- World Energy Outlook 2007, IEA
- ETP2008 -- Scenarios and Strategies to 2050
- CCS- A Key Carbon Abatement Option, IEA
- World Energy Outlook 2008, IEA
Our Pickups
- South East Asia Energy Scenarios
- Summarizing reported energy scenarios
- Strategic Technology Roadmap in Energy Field -Energy Technology Vision 2100, In Japanese
- Documents in Council for Science and Technology Policy
- Strategy Map of Technology 2008, NEDO, In Japanese
Transform Sector
- Examination of CO2 reduction scenario in Japanese electricity sector using multi-regional optimum power planning model
- Strategic Technology Roadmap in Energy Field -Energy Technology Vision 2100- conversion sector, In Japanese
- Electricity Market Reform(IEA)
- Electricity Information 2008 Edition(IEA)
Livelihood Sector
- Strategic Technology Roadmap in Energy Field -Energy Technology Vision 2100- conversion sector, In Japanese
- Drawing vision of 30% reduction in 2020, In Japanese
Industry Sector
- Strategic Technology Roadmap in Energy Field -Energy Technology Vision 2100- Industrial sector
Transportation Sector
- Outlook of EST related issues in OECD
- Strategic Technology Roadmap in Energy Field -Energy Technology Vision 2100- Transport sector
Energy Resources
- Medium Term Oil Report 2007
- Oil Information 2008
- Coal Information 2008 Edition
Natural Gas
- Natural Gas Information 2008 Edition
Nuclear Energy
- Energy strategy in 21 century utilizing nuclear fusion, In Japanese
- Fusion energy, In Japanese
- Nuclear Energy Medium/Long-Term Development Plan in China (In Chinese)
- Utilizing the CDM for the deployment of renewable energies in China
- Introduction and R&D road map for High Temperature Gas-cooled Reactor, In Japanese
Renewable Energy
- Research on the change of food demand supply structure and land use in global scale by increasing bio-ethanol demand, In Japanese
- Deploying Renewables Principles for Effective Policies
- Cool Earth: Plan for Energy revolution technology, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
- Outlook of long term energy demand, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
- Japanese Energy Whitepaper, Agency for Natural Resources and Energy
- A view of energy in 2030, In Japanese
- Word Energy Outlook 2007(In Chinese)
- 中国電力事情
- Nuclear Energy Medium/Long-Term Development Plan in China (In Chinese)
- Utilizing the CDM for the deployment of renewable energies in China
- The trend of small hydropower development in China
Southeast Asia
- Overview of Renewable Energy Scenario in India
EU and USA
- Canada_ModellingToolsforEnergyScenarioAnalysis
II.Interdisciplinary Group Research
As for group research, students were divided into eight groups (A-G) and conducted studies under each topic. The title and summary of each group is as follows.
Group A | Approaches to a CO2 Zero-emission Energy System from our Laboratories, Campus, and University |
Group B | Towards an ‘Eco-Household’: Eco-conversion, Eco-efficient and Eco-friendly Energy Systems |
Group C | The Role of Decentralized Energy System |
Group D | Independent, Secure and Sustainable Energy System with Zero-emission |
Group E | The survey on the government policies in Japan, Korea, China for the reduction of CO2 and the effectiveness of joint implementation |
Group F | Advantages and Issues of Advanced Energy Systems |
Group G | The Utilization of Waste Heat in Fusion Reactor for Production of Biodiesel |
Group H | Corporate Strategy for Zero Emission Energy Technology |
III.Scenario Strategic Research Committee
Energy Scenario Planning is required to seek opinions from wide and various fields. Therefore, the Energy Scenario and Strategic Research Committee (Scenario Strategic Committee) was setup and those who are active mainly in industries were invited to be members in the committee.
The first Energy Scenario and Strategic Research Committee meeting was held on January 28, 2009, and together with explaining the objective of the committee, the future management policy was also confirmed. Hereafter, this meeting is scheduled to be held twice a year.