I.The First International Symposium of Kyoto University G-COE of Energy Science, 20-21 August, 2009
The First International Symposium of Kyoto University G-COE of Energy Science, “ZERO-CARBON ENERGY Kyoto 2009”was held on August 20-21 at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall. Along with ZERO-Carbon Energy Kyoto 2009, the International Summer School on Energy Science for Young Generation (ISSES-YGN) was held on August 20-22 in cooperation with Asian CORE Program “Advanced Energy Science” and Symbio Community Forum. On August 20, Prof. Yukio Ogata (Director, IAE, Kyoto University), the chairman of opening ceremony, declared the symposium open. At first, Prof. Takashi Maekawa gave an opening remark of the International Summer School as a president of summer school. Following this, Prof. Hiroshi Matsumoto (President of Kyoto University) gave an opening address, Mr. Akio Fujiwara (Director, MEXT), Dr. Yoshikazu Nishikawa (Emeritus Prof. of Kyoto University), and Prof. Takeshi Yao (G-COE Leader) introduced the G-COE activities. After that, 5 distinguished speakers from each group made a plenary lecture, and then 70 posters were presented by young researchers. At the end of reception party, Prof. Hirotake Moriyama (Director, RRI, Kyoto University) gave a closing remark.
On August 21, each group invited some distinguished researchers and organized a parallel session.
On August 22, summer school symposium of 21 oral presentations was organized by young researchers.
Exchanging the information was markedly promoted among participants. Several presentation awards were provided to poster and oral presentations. The summer school was mainly coordinated by Mr. Kosuke Hara (D2 student) from G-COE Unit.
The first international symposium photo.
II.5th SEE Forum in Bangkok, 18‒21 May, 2009
On 18th ‒ 21st May 2009, SEE Forum, Joint Graduate School of Energy and Environment (JGSEE), and Kyoto University Global COE Program co-hosted a meeting of 5th SEE Forum along with World Renewable Energy Congress 2009 ‒ Asia in Bangkok, Thailand. On 17th ‒ 18th, research and educational frameworks for collaboration was discussed, and the each technical session for exchanging information of the latest research activities was also organized on 19th ‒ 21st. In addition, on 21st May, we have also adopted “Bangkok Initiative 2009” as an expression of intent of SEE Forum.
III.7th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium (EMESE) in Chiang Mai, 19-21 November, 2009
From the 19th to 21st November 2009, Rajamangala University of Technology Tannyaburi (RMUTT), Institute of Advanced Energy (IAE), and Global COE Program of “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming” co-organized the 7th Eco-Energy and Materials Science and Engineering Symposium in Chiang-Mai, Thailand. About 150 participants from 7 countries were gathered, and discussed about the latest research activities as well as progress in the field of Energy, Materials, and Environment and Nanotechnology actively. In addition, MOU signing ceremony for JST joint research between Japan and Thailand, “Scenario planning of low carbon emission energy system in Thailand”, led by this GCOE affiliated member, was also conducted during the symposium.
IV.International Symposium on Sustainable Energy & Environmental Protection 2009 and 6th SEE Forum, 23-25 November, 2009
From the 23rd to 25th November 2009, Sustainable Energy and Environment (SEE) Forum, University Gadjah Mada (UGM), Kyoto University, ASEAN (Association of South East Asian Nations) University of Network (AUN), ASEAN, Japan Science and Technology (JST), Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) co-hosted a meeting of 6th SEE Forum along with International Symposium on Sustainable Energy and Environmental Protection (ISSEEP) 2009 in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
The meeting was convened to further discuss research and education cooperation on new energy initiatives among Asian Countries and brought together over 70 participants from 12 countries who were committed to this objective. Emeritus Professor Susumu Yoshikawa of Kyoto University, Japan, and Professor Sudharto P. Hadi, Diponegoro University, Indonesia chaired and co-chaired the meeting.
The meeting focused on human capacity building and research collaboration among Asian countries toward a low carbon economy and a sustainable society. In the meeting, the current statuses of national SEE Forum activities in member countries were reported. Issues relating to the Journal of Sustainable Energy and Environment (JSEE), and the SEE Forum young researchers network were discussed. In particular, multilateral research collaboration among SEE Forum members towards a low carbon energy society were discussed during “Network of Excellences” (NOE) roundtable meetings. These NOEs include: Solar-energy, Bio-energy and Biofuels, Clean Coal Technology, Energy and Environment Policy Planning, Secondary Energy, Energy Efficiency and Rural Energy Systems. The meeting was carried out in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), Japan, JST, and ASEAN Secretariat. Human capacity building was further discussed in conjunction with the UNESCO Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) Program and New Energy Consortium for Sustainable Environment (NECSE). Cooperation for E-learning program led by UNESCO was elaborated with SEE Forum members.
At the final stage of the meeting, the proposal for the SEE Forum Action Plan in 2010 was discussed. The proposal set forth further actions that will address among others, (1) Research issues, (2) Education and training issues, (3) Networking issues, and (4) Project financing issues, toward the New Energy Initiative.
V.The 46th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan, 2-4 June, 2009
The 46th National Heat Transfer Symposium of Japan was held at Kyoto International Conference Center on June 2(Tue)-4(Thu), 2009, organized and sponsored by Heat Transfer Society of Japan and co-sponsored by Kyoto University Global COE Program, “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming” and 28 academic societies. In the 9 session rooms 379 papers on heat transfer, energy and environment were presented, and 700 researchers in the fields of engineering physics, mechanical engineering, nuclear engineering, chemical engineering and others participated in the symposium. In particular, in Rooms B-1 and B-2 where researchers majoring global warming, CO2 emission and such subjects joined, 82 papers on boiling, condensation, chemical reaction, combustion, hydrogen energy and others were presented to have animated discussion. Newest academic and technical information was exchanged extensively.
VI.Symposium on Organic Solar Cells, 13-14 July, 2009
From the 13th to the 14th of July, 2009, a Symposium on Organic Solar Cells was held at Kyoto University Clock Tower Centennial Hall, hosted by Japan Science Technology Agency (JST) and GCOE. The symposium was entitled “Developments from the photo-, nano-, and bio-technologies to the functions of photoelectric conversions.” 25 Invited speakers presented their recent topics. Since organic photovoltaics and electroluminescent (EL) devices are so attracted recently, almost 120 participants from universities, institutes, industries, agencies, the press, and so on. After the presentations, they could make active and fruitful discussions.
VII.IAEA Technical Meeting, 18-20 May, 2009
Nuclear fusion, the same energy as in the sun, is one of the soft energies which do not produce CO2 and high level radioactive wastes. The IAEA Technical Meeting on the Theory of Plasma Instabilities:IAEA-TM), which supports the fusion energy research from theoretical view points, was held in the Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, on May 18-20, 2009 (http://tm-tpi2009.nifs.ac.jp/). This is an international meeting that scientists working for theory and simulation of fusion plasmas get together and discuss important issues of burning plasmas such as ITER and future research directions. There were over a number of 91 participants from 12 countries and IAEA organization, in which 63 were from Japan. This is the largest number in the meetings previously held, showing the high interest of the meeting, and gave an important opportunity of international collaboration for young scientists and graduate students in Japan and also in Kyoto University.
VIII.3rd Kyoto-Erlangen Symposium, 3-4 September, 2009
The 3rd Kyoto-Erlangen Symposium on Advanced Energy and Materials was held on September 3-4, 2009 at the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, with co-sponsorship of the GCOE program. Six students from the GCOE educational unit attended the symposium. Tours to energy research facilities were programmed in advance of the symposium, September 1st and 2nd, and the students from Kyoto University visited Bayern Applied Energy Research Center and Karlsruhe Research Center. In the symposium 10 students and 6 faculty members from Kyoto University as well as more than 30 members from the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg participated, and had active discussion.
IX.The 11th Kansai Heat Transfer Seminar 2009, 11-12 September, 2009
The 11th Kansai Heat Transfer Seminar 2009 was held at Kitabiwako Hotel GRAZIE on September 11(Fri) and 12(Sat), 2009, organized and sponsored by Kansai Branch of Heat Transfer Society of Japan and co-sponsored by Kyoto University Global COE Program, "Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming" and 12 academic societies. The keywords of this seminar were "The Lake Biwa," "Environment" and "Energy." The eight invited lecturers gave their lectures regarding the energy and the environmental issues. They reviewed the current status of the heat transfer technologies and also environmental problems, and then discussed on the roles of the heat transfer research and development in the future. From our GCOE program, Prof. Tezuka gave a talk of “the Researching and Planning Zero CO2 Emission Scenarios." There were 59 participants (incl. 26 graduate students) in this seminar. Many fruitful discussions and the valuable technical information exchange were made.
X.The 9th Kyoto- Seoul National–Tsinghua University Thermal Engineering Conference, 21-22 October, 2009
Kyoto- Seoul National- Tsinghua University Thermal Engineering Conference is a mini-scale academic meeting of thermal engineering scientists of the three Asian leading universities. It has been held annually in one of the three universities since 2001, the first year of the 21th century. The ninth conference was held on October 21-22, 2009 in Clock Tower Centennial Hall, Kyoto University, co-sponsored by Kyoto University Global COE Program “Energy Science in the Age of Global Warming” and Kansai Research Foundation for technology promotion. 19, 6 and 7 participants from Kyoto University, Seoul National University and Tsinghua University, respectively, joined the conference, and 20 papers were presented and discussed on heat, radiation and mass transfer, thermal, radiative and fluid physics and thermal and radiative measurements. These papers demonstrated the newest trend of research in the three universities, and the discussion enlightened each other. In the evening of October 21, a reception party was held to communicate among old and new friends of the three universities. In the afternoon of October 22, a short tour for watching a festival parade of “Jidai Matsuri” was held to introduce an aspect of Japanese traditional culture to the Korean and Chinese participants of the conference. On October 23, an industrial visit tour to Great Akashi Bridge and Akashi Works of Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd., was held to introduce the frontier of Japanese engineering to them.
XI.4th GCOE Energy Seminar, 7 May, 2009
The 4th GCOE Energy Seminar on “Current status and prospects of Thai S&T Strategy” by Dr. Prayoon Showattana, Vice-President of National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA), Thailand was held at Room 201 of Eng. Building 2, in Kyoto University on 7th May 2009. More than 40 participants, including GCOE unit student, were gathered. It was great opportunity for participants to share the information with Dr. Prayoon who is in charge of making S&T strategy for Low carbon society in Thailand.
XII.5th GCOE Energy Seminar, 6 October, 2009
The 5th GCOE Energy Seminar on “What exactly does the IAEA do?” by Mr. Shoichi Yatsu, Nuclear safeguards Inspector, IAEA was held at Room 202 of Engineering Building No.2, in Kyoto University on 6th Oct. 2009. More than 40 participants, including GCOE unit student, were gathered. It was great opportunity for participants to hear the valuable information by which Mr. Yatsu has experienced himself who works as an inspector for securing the nuclear safety.
XIII.6th GCOE Energy Seminar, 26 October, 2009
The 6th GCOE Energy Seminar on “The Current Energy Situation and Future Prospect in Botswana” by Mr. Clement Matasane, University of Botswana was held at Room 203 of Engineering Building No.2, in Kyoto University on 26th Oct. 2009. More than 30 participants, including GCOE unit student, were gathered. It was great opportunity for participants to hear a very specific situation of electricity supply in Botswana where most participants have never heard even the name of country. Active discussion about future energy supply in Botswana as well as in other African countries was performed
XIV.Nuclear Seminar in Thailand, 7 November-19 December, 2009
Recently, some Asian countries recognize that the Nuclear Energy is one of promising energy source which does not emit GHG. Thai government also plans to introduce the nuclear power plant in near future. However, the basic knowledge of the Nuclear Engineering is very poor even for professors in universities and for engineer in electric power industries. This situation enhances unreliability for nuclear energy and causes disagreement to set up the nuclear power plant in national level. Therefore the Nuclear Forum Thailand strongly asked us to hold a seminar which delivers fundamentals of the nuclear engineering to Thai people. 16-lecturers from GCOE and related alumnus of Kyoto University have been sent to Thailand. Each Friday and Saturday about 100 professors and engineers gathered at Rajamangala University Technology Thanyaburi and had the special seminar. We will continue to have the nuclear seminar in Thailand to deliver the correct knowledge of the nuclear energy.
XV.Annual Report Meeting, 3 February, 2010
The GCOE annual report meeting was held at Obaku Plaza, Kyoto University Uji Campus, on 3rd February 2010. In the morning session, Prof. Takeshi Yao of GCOE leader gave an opening address. After that, we had two special invited speeches from Mr. Masatami Takimoto of President of Toyota Central R&D Labs. and Prof. Seung Chul Choi of Ajou University in Korea. Followed by this, each committee as well as research group presented their annual progress and report. In the afternoon, 27 GCOE/RA students and 8 GCOE research groups made short oral presentations as well as poster presentations. 4 GCOE/RA students and 2 research groups were given the best presentation awards. Finally, Prof. Yoshikazu Nishikawa gave a closing remark