Mr. Koichi Higuchi was awarded the Best Presentation Award in the 72nd Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity
January 28, 2022 未分類
Mr. Koichi Higuchi in Department of Energy Science and Technology was awarded the Best Presentation Award in the 72nd Japanese Joint Conference for the Technology of Plasticity held in October 2021 for his presentation entitled “Plastic deformation behavior under various loading paths in a ZX10 magnesium alloy sheet”.
AssistProf. Kimi Ueda and Mr. Wataru Asaba received the Best Presentation Award at the Human Interface Symposium 2021
September 18, 2021 未分類
AssistProf. Kimi Ueda of the International Advanced Energy Science Research and Education Center and Mr. Wataru Asaba of the Department of Socio-environmental Energy Science received the Best Presentation Award at the Human Interface Symposium 2021 held on September 15-17, 2021. Details:“Evaluation of the Influence of “Instagenic” on Attitudes toward Pro-Environmental Behaviors” (Kimi Ueda)“Development of a …
Research Internship Program for Chiangmai University (1 June-31 July 2019)
August 19, 2019 未分類
The Graduate School of Energy Science (GSES) hosted a credit-bearing internship program for six undergraduate students from the Faculty of Engineering, Chiang Mai University (CMU), with support from Kyoto University provided under the Wild & Wise Collaborative Learning Program. The interns each worked in one of six GSES laboratories on projects assigned to them based …
Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science was held
March 29, 2019 未分類
“Winter Seminar on Human Security Development and Energy Science” took place 15-25 January 2019 with 18 undergraduate students taking part from nine ASEAN countries. For details, please refer to the following link. Energy science short program held for ASEAN students (15-25 Jan 2019)
Dean of GSES, Prof. Ishihara visited Perpignan University
March 29, 2019 International Advanced Energy Science Research and Education Center (IAESREC)未分類
Dean of GSES, Prof. Ishihara visited University Perpignan Via Domitia on February 29th. He discussed with Prof. Didier Aussel (Vice-President for International Relation, University Perpignan Via Domitia) about the possibility of student exchanging and researcher exchanging. After the discussion, he visited Process, Materials and Solar Energy Laboratory (PROMES) to see world largest solar furnace.