List of sharing equipment
Equipment No. | Equipment name | Contact person |
B001-01 | Matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS)AXIMA Performance, SHIMADZU | Prof. Haruo Kawamoto |
B002-01 | X-ray diffractometer (XRD)X’Part PRO, PANalytical | Prof. Masao Miyake |
B002-02 | X-ray diffractometer (XRD)X’Part PRO, PANalytical | Prof. Toshiya Doi |
B002-04 | Transmission electron microscope (TEM)JEM-2010, JEOL | Associate Prof. Hideyuki Okumura |
B002-05 | X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS)R-EXAFS 2000-T/F, Rigaku | Associate Prof. Shigeomi Takai |
B002-06 | X-ray photoelectron spectrometer (XPS)JPS-9030, JEOL | Associate Prof. Masao Miyake |
B002-07 | Chemisorption analyzerAutoChem Ⅱ 2920, SHIMADZU | Assistant Prof. Takaya Ogawa |
B002-08 | Scanning prove microscope (SPM)SPM-8100FM, SHIMADZU | Prof. Haruo Kawamoto |
B002-09 | Zeta-potential & particle size analyzer ELSZ2000ZS, Otsuka Electronics Co., Ltd. |
Associate Prof. Kan Hachiya |
B002-10 | Circular dichroism spectrometer (CD) J-1500, JASCO Corporation |
Assistant Prof. Yutaka Okazaki |
B003-01 | Laser microscopeVK-9700, KEYENCE | Associate Prof. Masataka Abe |
B003-02 | Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)VE-8800, KEYENCE | Associate Prof. Masataka Abe |
B003-03 | Precision universal / Tensile testerAG-100kNX, SHIMADZU | Associate Prof. Masataka Abe |
B003-04 | Hardness testerDUH-211S, SHIMADZU | Associate Prof. Masataka Abe |
B003-05 | Hardness testerHMV-2TADW, SHIMADZU | Associate Prof. Masataka Abe |
B003-06 | Field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) SU6600, Hitachi High-Tech with EDX (XFlash 5010, Bruker) and EBSD (C-Nano+, Oxford Instruments) |
Lecturer. Takeshi Yabutsuka |
AESL-01 | AESL-01Lab-scale simulated power system equipment | Associate Prof.Iwao Kawayama |
AESL-02 | 3T-MRI System (with DC power supply) | Associate Prof.Iwao Kawayama |