Establishing theories in energy science.

Energy Conversion Science Dept.

Energy Conversion Systems and their Functional Design in the 21st Century

Image of sea

In order to contribute to the development of a human society that coexists with the natural environment, and to establish efficient clean energy systems, we offer education and conduct research on generation, conversion, control and the utilization of various kinds of energy from the perspective of science and engineering.

Research Group List of Energy Conversion Science Dept.
Division Groups Professor Associate Professor
Assistant Professor
Energy Conversion Systems Thermal Energy Conversion Jun HAYASHI    
Conversion Systems Hiroshi KAWANABE Naoto HORIBE  
Design for Energy Convertion Functions Materials Design for Energy Systems Takashi SUMIGAWA Masataka ABE  
Design for Functional Systems Shoji IMATANI Katsuyuki KINOSHITA  
Functional Energy Converion Advanced Energy Conversion   Juro YAGI  
Plasma Energy Conversion Kazunobu NAGASAKI Shinji KOBAYASHI  
Functional Energy Conversion Materials   Kazunori MORISHITA Kiyohiro YABUUCHI
Innovative Energy Conversion Visiting Professors   Yu DAIMON  

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