System development to improve reliability and efficiency of energy systems by ICT
In order to stabilize energy supply, it is necessary not only to improve power generation system itself but also to improve its human machine interface. We have been developing new energy systems by applying augmented reality technology and various diagnosis models.
Main Topics
- Development of robust and high precision tracking technique for augmented reality system
- Development of augmented reality system for plant maintenance work
- Anomaly diagnosis of nuclear power plant by multi-level flow model

Proposal of new risk communication methods to drive sustainable energy systems
Risk management and risk communication are important subjects for our symbiosis society in 21st century. In order to solve the subjects, it is necessary to analyze various risk concepts in our society and to develop effective methods to avoid the risks. We have been studying public acceptance of new energy such as hydrogen energy and high-level radioactive waste, and proposing and evaluating new methods to drive mutual communication among people in different positions.
Main Tpoics
- Survey on public acceptance of new energy
- Risk communication on high-level radioactive waste

Proposal of new sustainable life style for advanced information society and aged society with fewer children
Since we are heading for advanced information society in this century, a drastic social reformation will be required such as acceleration for aged society with fewer children and energy and environmental problems for sustainable society. We have been developing various measurement technologies of human behavior, and proposing and evaluating new techniques to drive energy saving behavior.

Main Topics
- Development of screening diagnosis system of brain dysfunction by eye-sensing display
- Study on measurement and evaluation method of human productivity by measurement of biological indices
- Development of energy saving support system by affective interface