Two presentations were awarded Best Oral/Poster Presentation Awards at The 8th Zhejiang-Ajou-Kyoto Joint Symposium on Energy (Jan. 21-23rd, 2024).
・Best Oral Presentation Award
Laser-driven bottom-up fabrication of orange phosphorus:
Pengcheng Qiu, Takahiro Kojima, Kenji Kazumi, Naoki Komatsu, Kazuhiro Fukami, Hiroshi Sakaguchi
・Best Poster Presentation Award
Energy-Efficient Strategies to Tackle Marine Plastic Wastes:
Ju Yoon Hnin Bo, Dong Luo, Takaki Kimura, Rei Akasegawa, Yushiro Yamashita, Pengcheng Qiu,
Kimi Ueda, Harifara Rabemanolontsoa, Benjamin McLellan