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Fundamental Energy Science Dept.

Ms. Funamori was awarded Excellent Student Presentation Award in the 17th Annual Meeting of CerSJ, Kansai Branch

Ms. Houmi Funamori in Department of Fundamental Energy Science was awarded Excellent Student Presentation Award in the 17th Annual Meeting of the Ceramic Society of Japan (CerSJ), Kansai Branch held on 14/07/2023 for her presentation entitled “Synthesis of calcium phosphate coatings on bioabsorbable zinc metal surfaces”.

Prof. Audrius Maruška from Vytautas Magnus University visited Kyoto University

Prof. Audrius Maruška from Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania) visited Kyoto University on March 24th, 2023. He visited the International Advanced Energy Science Research and Education Center (IAESREC) and Prof. Sagawa’s Lab.

Ms. Funamori was awarded Oustanding Presentation Award for Young Scientists in Society of Organ Substitution and Regeneration Medicine

Ms. Houmi Funamori in Department of Fundamental Energy Science was awarded Outstanding Presentation Award for Young Scientist in The 35th Annual Meeting of Society of Organ Substitution and Regeneration Medicine held on 18/02/2023.

Mr. Kenshiro Takaishi and Mr. Wu Peizheng were awarded in The 24th Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics.

Mr. Kenshiro Takaishi in Department of Fundamental Energy Science and Mr. Wu Peizheng in Department of Energy Science and Technology were awarded Presentation Award for Young Scientist from Division of Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics, The Ceramic Society of Japan for their presentations in The 24th Symposium on Ceramics in Medicine, Biology and Biomimetics …

Mr. Shu Yamazaki was awarded Japanese Society for Biomaterials, The Outstanding Poster Award (2021).

Mr. Shu Yamazaki in Department of Fundamental Energy Sciencve was awarded Japanese Society for Biomaterials, The Outstanding Poster Award (2021) for his presentation entitled “Development of bioactive ceria-stabilized zirconia/alumina composite by apatite nuclei treatment” in The 43rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Biomaterials (The 8th Asian Biomaterials Congress) held from 29/11/2021-30/11/2021.

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