To foster international connections and promote knowledge exchange among researchers, this special edition of Science Café is organized in collaboration with Sciencescope, the association of French-speaking researchers and students in Japan. The hybrid event features one oral presentation and four poster presentations.

For oral presentation, we invite Dr. John Molina, an assistant professor in the Soft Matter Engineering Lab (Dept. Chemical Engineering) at Kyoto University. He studied Physics at the University of the Andes (Colombia), where he received his bachelor’s degree in 2007. He carried out his graduate studies in France, obtaining a master’s degree in physics from the ENS Lyon (2008), and a doctoral degree in Physical and Analytical Chemistry, under the supervision of Prof. Pierre Turq, from the University of Paris 6 (2011). His research has focused on developing computational methods for complex soft matter systems (e.g., ionic solutions, colloidal dispersions, polymer melts, cellular tissues). Recently, he has focused on merging Physics and Machine-Learning, with the hope of building next-generation materials.

In addition, four doctoral students will make poster presentations as detailed below. During this event, participating students, researchers, and faculty members will have the opportunity to exchange information about research, Lab events, life in Kyoto and abroad, future careers, etc… Please feel free to join us!



Oral presentation (17:00 – 18:15)
Dr. John J. Molina, Assistant professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, Kyoto University

“Physics-Informed Machine Learning for Soft Matter”

Poster presentations by doctoral students
(18:15 – 19:30 during the small gathering with food and beverages)

Shaoning Zhang
“Unprotected Organic Cations in Highly Li-Concentrated Ionic Liquid Electrolytes”
Tsubasa Uchida
“Study on the Conductive Buffer Layers for the Ag-Free High Temperature Superconducting Wires”
Luo Dong
“Mössbauer Spectroscopy of Mechanochemically Synthesized Corundum-Type Solid Solution (Fe₂O₃)₁₋ₓ(Al₂O₃)ₓ”
Yanlin Wang
“Strain-induced Novel Optical Properties of Excitonic States in MoSe2/WSe2 Heterostructure”


[Style]  Oral and poster presentation style, hybrid. 

[Date & Time]  January 16th (Thu) From 17:00

[Venue] IAESREC Seminar Room (Room 302),
Faculty of Engineering Integrated Research Bldg.,
Yoshida Campus, Kyoto University

[Language] English and French

[Link for registration]

★Participation is free!