In the 11th IAESREC Science Cafe, we invite Prof. Salvatore FEDERICO from the University of Calgary (Canada), currently a visiting professor in the Graduate School of Energy Science. He will talk about how he ended up working in Continuum Mechanics (completely by accident) and how his research has evolved, starting from soft tissue biomechanics and then steering towards more general problems in elasticity, composite materials, porous media, electro-magneto-mechanics, growth and remodeling and geometric mechanics. It will be a excellent opportunity to get a sense of the many possible ways to reach professional success, and that the career path can be joyful! Please freely come and join us!
[Speaker] Prof. Salvatore FEDERICO (Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, University of Calgary, Canada)
Title: “Continuum Mechanist by Accident”
[Style] Oral presentation style
[Date & Time] December 15th (Thu) 16:30-17:30.
[Venue] IAESREC Seminar Room (Room 302), Faculties of Engineering Integrated Research Bldg., Yoshida Campus
[Language] English or Japanese (No need to care about language! Feel free to join us!)
[Contact] International Advanced Energy Science Research and Education Center (IAESREC)