The 12th IAESREC Science Cafe.

In this 12th IAESREC Science Cafe, we invite Visiting Associate Prof. Mehdi Baneshi from the Socio-Environmental Energy Science Dept. Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University. He will talk about his research experience titled “My Research Journey: From Nano-Scale Particles to Macro-Scale Energy Systems”. It will be an excellent opportunity to get a sense of the many possible ways to reach professional success and how the career path can be joyful! Please feel free to come and join us!

Visiting Associate Professor: Mehdi Baneshi
Socio-Environmental Energy Science Dept.
Graduate School of Energy Science Kyoto University

My Research Journey: From Nano-Scale Particles to Macro-Scale Energy Systems

[Style] Oral presentation style
[Date & Time] Aug. 3rd (Thu) 16:00-17:00.
[Venue] IAESREC Seminar Room (Room 302), Faculties of Engineering Integrated Research Bldg., Yoshida Campus
[Language] English and/or Japanese