In this 16th IAESREC Science Cafe, we invite two Doctoral Course students from the Graduate School of Energy Science. It will be a good opportunity to discover research activities across various Departments. Participating students may also exchange information not only about research but also concerning Lab events, life in Kyoto, future career, etc… Please feel free to join us!



[Speaker 1] Yushiro Yamashita (D2, Electromagnetic Energy – Nakamura Lab.)
Title: “Numerical Simulation for Realization of Fusion Power Generation”
Keywords of talk: Nuclear Fusion, Numerical Simulation, Programming

[Speaker 2] Pengcheng Qiu (D2, Molecular Nanotechnology Research Section – Sakaguchi Lab.)
Title: “Laser induced bottom-up fabrication of Orange phosphorus”
Keywords of talk: Phosphorus nanoribbon; Laser-induced bottom-up technique; 1D-semiconductor

Yanlin Wang (D2, Energy Optical Properties – Matsuda Lab.)
Title: “Observation of novel excitonic states in 2D heterostructure”
Keywords of talk: Moire pattern, 2D materials, photoluminescence

[Style] Oral presentation style
[Date & Time] October 31st (Tue) 16:00-17:30.
[Venue] IAESREC Seminar Room (Room 302), Faculties of Engineering Integrated Research Bldg., Yoshida Campus
[Language] English and/or Japanese